A new shirt for hubby is ...

... long overdue! He started up bike riding (seriously, the Lycra cladded, Tony Abbott type of bike riding) and has lost an enormous amount of weight. Which means that his shirts now wear him, instead of him wearing the shirt. So for a quick and easy make I decided on KwikSew 3422, view B, with no extra features. The fabric being a check was enough of a feature this time around.

But, due to his changed body shape (welcome to 'My World', hubby dear), and age (just had to get that one in as well) I made one major change to the pattern. From being hunched over the bike handles poor hubby now has slightly rounded forward sloping shoulders! Admittedly, he probably always had this, but it is just such a good feeling to point out body flaws that aren't one of my many body issues. One of the best on-line shoulder sloping adjustments I found was from Peter, of male pattern boldness fame

And other than that, all I did was add on 10cm to the overall length (hubby is 6'4" tall), and the shirt was done! 

Oh, I did add on 2cm to the front of the yoke, and take the equivalent 2cm off the front piece - I am not fussed on how this pattern has the yoke front finish right on the shoulder line. 

And I did use a plain navy for the inside yoke, and the under collar - sometimes I just think 'all-over' check is a little too much!

All in all a quick make, and definitely this won't be the last from this pattern. Summer is quickly approaching and the guys always are in need of cool shirts to wear. KwikSew 3422 will be a winner in this department ... J


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